Valentina Skakun
Valentina Skakun
Technical Writer

About Valentina Skakun

I'm a technical writer and Python programmer with a passion for automation and web scraping. I love to simplify complex technical concepts and share my knowledge with others through clear and concise articles. I'm always looking for innovative ways to make everyday tasks more efficient and streamlined with code and automation.

One of my most exciting projects involved creating a web scraping add-on and developing rank tracking solutions using Google Apps Script. I love exploring new technologies and staying up-to-date on emerging programming languages.

Outside of work, I'm always exploring new challenges in the tech world. Whether it's unraveling data or optimizing processes, I'm always eager to learn and apply my skills to create meaningful solutions.

Valentina's recent articles

How to Scrape Google Trends using Python
How to Scrape Google Trends using Python
Jul 11, 2024

Learn to scrape Google Trends using Python with practical applications for market research, SEO, and more. Explore various methods including no-code scrapers, APIs, libraries like PyTrends, and headless browsers. Find solutions for common issues and enhance your data collection strategies.

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How to Scrape Dynamic Content in Python
How to Scrape Dynamic Content in Python
Jul 01, 2024

Explore techniques to scrape dynamic content in Python, including using tools like Beautiful Soup, Selenium, Pyppeteer, Playwright, and Scrapy. Learn advanced methods for handling infinite scroll and evaluating JavaScript.

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How to Scrape Indeed Jobs Data in 2024
How to Scrape Indeed Jobs Data in 2024
Jun 17, 2024

Explore effective methods for scraping job listings from Indeed, including non-coding techniques, Python-based scraping, and API usage. Understand the various use cases like labor market analysis, salary research, and competitive intelligence, and get tips on data processing and storage.

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10 Best Google SERP APIs to Extract Search Results Efficiently
10 Best Google SERP APIs to Extract Search Results Efficiently
Jun 10, 2024

Discover the 10 best Google SERP APIs to efficiently extract search engine results in 2024. Learn about their benefits, features, and find the ideal solution for your project needs.

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Web Scraping with PHP
Web Scraping with PHP
May 28, 2024

Learn how to perform web scraping using PHP. This guide covers setting up the environment, basic and advanced scraping techniques, data storage, and handling dynamic content, complete with step-by-step instructions and examples.

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How to Scrape LinkedIn with Python
How to Scrape LinkedIn with Python
May 17, 2024

Discover methods to scrape LinkedIn data using Python, including APIs, BeautifulSoup, Selenium, and web scraping APIs. Learn how to extract data from job listings, LinkedIn Learning, and articles.

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