Number of Dunkin Donuts coffee shops in the United States

Data updated on July, 2024

How many Dunkin Donuts coffee shops are there in the United States?

States and Territories
Avg. Rating

As of July, 2024, there are 9151 Dunkin Donuts coffee shops in the United States. These coffee shops are located in 45 states and territories and 3138 cities.

The state with the most Dunkin Donuts locations is New York, with 1339 coffee shops. This is about 15% of all Dunkin Donuts locations in the United States.

The city with the most Dunkin Donuts locations is Chicago, with 220 locations. This is about 2% of all Dunkin Donuts locations in the United States.

Map of Dunkin Donuts coffee shops in the United States

Top States with the most Dunkin Donuts coffee shops

New York
15% of US Dunkin Donuts

About 69 locations per 1M people. One location for every 14526 people.

11% of US Dunkin Donuts

About 144 locations per 1M people. One location for every 6925 people.

9% of US Dunkin Donuts

About 38 locations per 1M people. One location for every 26195 people.

New Jersey
9% of US Dunkin Donuts

About 90 locations per 1M people. One location for every 11072 people.

State / Territory Number of coffee shops Population Population per coffee shop Coffee shops per 1M
New York 1339 (15%) 19.45M 14526  69
Massachusetts 995 (11%) 6.89M 6925  144
Florida 820 (9%) 21.48M 26195  38
New Jersey 802 (9%) 8.88M 11072  90
Illinois 755 (8%) 12.67M 16781  60
Pennsylvania 677 (7%) 12.80M 18907  53
Connecticut 435 (5%) 3.56M 8184  122
Maryland 279 (3%) 6.05M 21685  46
Georgia 288 (3%) 10.62M 36875  27
Ohio 233 (3%) 11.69M 50172  20

There are Dunkin Donuts coffee shops in 45 states and territories in the United States

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States and Territories without any Dunkin Donuts coffee shops

There are 11 states and territories without Dunkin Donuts coffee shops in the United States

Puerto Rico
South Dakota
American Samoa
U.S. Virgin Islands
Northern Mariana Islands

Cities with the most number of Dunkin Donuts coffee shops in the United States

City State / Territory Number of coffee shops
Chicago Illinois 220
New York New York 177
Brooklyn New York 147
Philadelphia Pennsylvania 143
Bronx New York 86
Boston Massachusetts 73
Orlando Florida 48
Baltimore Maryland 40
Jamaica New York 43
Miami Florida 33

Dunkin Donuts Customer Satisfaction

Based on over 2.79M reviews, Dunkin Donuts customers are generally satisfied, with 62.5% of customers rating their experience as "excellent" or "good." However, 18.1% of customers rated their experience as "fair" or "poor."

Average rating
High satisfaction
Low satisfaction

Dunkin Donuts Locations with highest ratings

Name City State Address Review Rating No. of Reviews
Dunkin' Dayton OH 1310 Woodman Dr, Dayton, OH, 45432 4.0 948
Dunkin' Tucson AZ 9485 E Broadway Blvd, Tucson, AZ, 85710 4.7 720
Dunkin' Lawrenceburg IN 100 W Eads Pkwy, Lawrenceburg, IN, 47025 4.6 595
Dunkin' El Paso TX 1105 N Yarbrough Dr, El Paso, TX, 79925 4.0 1417
Dunkin' Tucson AZ 10200 East Old Vail Rd, Tucson, AZ, 85747 4.0 554

Dunkin Donuts Locations with lowest ratings

Name City State Address Review Rating No. of Reviews
Dunkin' Aberdeen MD Maryland Turnpike I-95 (Mm82) Maryland House Travel Plaza, Aberdeen, MD, 21001 1.8 321
Dunkin' Okeechobee FL MM 184 Florida Tpke, Okeechobee, FL, 34972 1.7 374
Dunkin' Destin FL 1012 Highway 98 E, Destin, FL, 32541 2.4 652
Dunkin' Deltona FL 499 Howland Blvd, Deltona, FL, 32738 2.6 870
Dunkin' Midlothian VA 13521 Waterford Place, Midlothian, VA, 23112 2.4 482

Extract Dunkin Donuts coffee shop data from Google Maps

Use our Google Maps scraper to extract a complete dataset of Dunkin Donuts locations, including address, phone number, hours of operation, and other relevant information.

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Here is a sample of the data that you can extract:

position title website phone address rating reviews type
1 Dunkin' (212) 268-0686 302 5th Ave, New York, NY 10001 3.9 701 Coffee shop
2 Dunkin' (212) 245-4655 55 W 55th St, New York, NY 10019 4 229 Coffee shop
3 Dunkin' (212) 686-6362 412 3rd Ave, New York, NY 10016 3.6 265 Coffee shop
4 Dunkin' (646) 974-8119 25 W 43rd St, New York, NY 10036 3.8 258 Coffee shop
5 Dunkin' (201) 330-1616 2000 Bergenline Ave, Union City, NJ 07087 4.2 218 Coffee shop
6 Dunkin' (212) 757-7754 200 W 54th St, New York, NY 10019 4 159 Coffee shop
7 Dunkin' (646) 590-8351 42 W 39th St #52, New York, NY 10018 3.6 187 Coffee shop
8 Dunkin' (646) 974-9115 800 2nd Ave, New York, NY 10017 3.9 351 Coffee shop
9 Dunkin' (212) 681-2482 250 E 40th St, New York, NY 10016 3.8 272 Coffee shop
10 Dunkin' (201) 222-6959 400 Newark St., Hoboken, NJ 07030 4 394 Coffee shop
11 Dunkin' (646) 371-9993 52 Vanderbilt Ave, New York, NY 10017 3.6 33 Coffee shop
12 Dunkin' (201) 867-2865 2816 Palisade Ave, Weehawken, NJ 07086 4.2 646 Coffee shop
13 Dunkin' (212) 213-9010 455 Park Ave S, New York, NY 10016 4 179 Coffee shop
14 Dunkin' (201) 792-9595 318 Central Ave, Jersey City, NJ 07307 4.1 611 Coffee shop
15 Dunkin' (201) 656-0769 Newport Mall, 30 Mall Dr W, Jersey City, NJ 07310 3.6 175 Coffee shop
16 Dunkin' (201) 798-0444 700 Washington St, Hoboken, NJ 07030 3.9 287 Coffee shop
17 Dunkin' (212) 760-2600 316 W 34th St., New York, NY 10001 3.9 290 Coffee shop
18 Dunkin' (201) 659-0777 Cumberland Farms, 183 12th St, Jersey City, NJ 07310 3.6 255 Coffee shop
19 Dunkin' (212) 944-1009 750 8th Ave, New York, NY 10036 4.1 338 Coffee shop
20 Dunkin' (201) 222-0682 854 Jersey Ave, Jersey City, NJ 07310 4.1 159 Coffee shop
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