Social Media Scrapers
Gather data from social networks with our ready-to-use scrapers. Collect likes, reviews, comments, post data, videos, and images to come up with new ideas, actively interact with your audience, drive relevant social media, engage followers, and conduct marketing and social research.
No-сode Scrapers library
Get data from popular websites with just a few clicks
No-code pricing plans
Pay only for your usage and select based on call limits and features
Try scraper for free for 30 Days!
The easiest way to scrape some service without writing a line of code.
$49 /month
Try For Free- Up to 200,000 data rows
- Priority email support
- Data export to CSV, Excel, and JSON formats
$99 /month
Try For Free- Up to 1,000,000 data rows
- Personal manager
- Data export to CSV, Excel, and JSON formats
$249 /month
Try For Free- Up to 3,000,000 data rows
- Personal manager
- Data export to CSV, Excel, and JSON formats