Real Estate APIs

Get real-time access to property listings, agent information, and market trends with real estate APIs. Analyze data to identify investment opportunities, predict market movements, and optimize property prices. Automate data collection from multiple sources to make informed decisions in real estate investments and marketing strategies.


API library

Get data from popular websites with just a few clicks


API pricing plans

Pay only for your usage and select based on call limits and features

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The easiest way to scrape some service without writing a line of code.

  • Startup


    Try For Free
    • 200,000 API credits
    • 15 concurrent requests
    • Email support
  • Business


    Try For Free
    • 1,000,000 API credits
    • 30 concurrent requests
    • Priority email support
    • Access to basic data extraction templates
  • Enterprise


    Try For Free
    • 3,000,000 API credits
    • 50 concurrent requests
    • Personal manager
    • Access to basic data extraction templates
    • Automated data delivery via FTP or API